Local Band- Sister Black Lagoon

Sister Black Lagoon is a local band from Las Cruces, New Mexico; members Alex and Raul together make alternative rock and electronic music. I have had the pleasure of directing promotional photographs, creating social media posts, and editing virtual concerts.

Atlanta Aquarium

A short video of my first-time experience at the Atlanta Georgia Aquarium with some of my fellow Scotties is another example of some of my passions and skills in video production.

Social Barriers of Breast Cancer Awareness

In my Survey of Public Health Class, I collaborated on a semester-long project looking at the statistic, social determinates, and research on breast cancer in America. Through this class project, I was able to shoot, direct, and edit a mock informational video on the education of breast cancer.

Ink Spilling Camp

I attended A writing camp in New Mexico called Ink Spilling was created to give young writers (students in middle school and high school) a place to explore and celebrate writing in a welcoming and inspiring environment that promotes and grows community. In small groups, we had to tell a story of our choice with no dialogue and one continuous shot; camera work, editing, and music selection were all done by me. 
